Have I stopped reading?
No, of course not.
But a lot has happened in the last couple of years. To keep a long story short: I got promoted at my old job in 2012. That's great, yeah? Well, it turned out that what little time I had available outside of the job was taken over by said job. So much so that, honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised if my marriage had totally collapsed. I couldn't even take advantage of my stupid-long commute, since most of the time I was working from the minute I got on the bus. Also, I had started taking classes to become a certified database specialist. Apparently, I didn't have enough going on.
In 2013 I got another job. This new job cut my commute down by two-thirds and I work significantly better hours. However, I now drive to work. I don't have a death wish, so I don't read during my drive. It's taken me about a year to finally accept that audio books should be part of my life.
My reading world, though now a little harder to schedule time for, has greatly expanded. I read on my e-reader at night so I don't bother my husband with a light on. (I tried book lights. I always ended up shifting and the light would end up right in the hubby's face. Not good.) I listen to audio books on my commute and I still read hard copies.
Yes, a lot has happened in the last two years. I'm learning everyday how to be more brave, how to expand my horizons, how to try things that are outside my comfort zone. And you know what? My life is so much better than it used to be.
One of the things in my life that will never change, though, is my love of books. Books have kept me sane during some pretty difficult times. Books have given me the opportunity to get outside of my own head, to dive into other people's lives and problems and triumphs.
And this is why I had started blogging in the first place. Because I know I'm not the only one that feels this way about books. I know that there are a lot of us out there in this planet and, for that, I'm glad.
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